
5 Basic Functions of Packaging in Marketing a Product

  • 2085
  • Jimmy at
  • August 30, 2017

1) Protection:
One of the major functions of packaging is to provide for the ravages of time and environment for the natural and manufactured products. The protection function can be divided into some classes viz.

A. Natural deterioration:
It is caused by the interaction of products with water, gases and fumes, microbiologic organisms like bacteria, yeasts and moulds, heat, cold, desiccation (dry environment in deserts and high-altitude areas), contaminants and insects and rodents.
B. Physical protection:
The packaging is also used for physical protection, which include improving shock protection, internal product protection and reducing shock damage caused from vibration, snagging, friction and impact.
C. Safety:
A special kind of protective packaging is required for products that are deemed hazardous to those who transport them or use them. These product include highly inflammable gas and liquid, radioactive elements, toxic materials etc. The packaging should also be done so that children could not easily use or dispose them.
D. Waste reduction:
Packaging also serves to reduce the amount of waste specially in case of food distribution
2) Containment:
This involves consolidation of unit loads for shipping. It starts with spots of adhesives on the individual shippers that stick them together, straps of steel and plastic, entire shrouds of shrinkable or stretchable plastic films and paper or corrugated wraps that surround an entire pallet of product.
There are some special bulk boxes or pallet bins made from unusually strong corrugated board or fabricated form plastics or metal, the method of which depends on the type and weight of product and its protective needs. The cargo containers made of aluminum used to hold many pallet loads of goods can be transferred to or from ships, trains and flatbed trucks by giant cranes.

3) Information:
The packaging conveys necessary information to the consumers. The common information that packaging provides include general features of the product, ingredients, net weight of the contents, name and address of the manufacturers, maximum retail price (MRP).
Packaging of medicine and some food products is required to provide information on methods of preparations, recipes and serving ideas, nutritional benefits, and date of manufacturing, date of expiry, warning messages and cautionary information. Sometimes, the colour of the packaging itself provides some information. For example, orange colour of the bottle of Mirinda or Fanta conveys the information that these brands are of orange coloured soft drinks.
4) Utility of use:
The convenience packaging has been devised for foods, household chemicals, drugs, adhesives, paints, cosmetics, paper goods and a host of other products. This type of packaging includes dispensing devices, prepackaged hot metals, disposable medical packaging.

5) Promotion:
Companies use attractive colours, logos, symbols and captions to promote the product that can influence customer purchase decision.
Packaging requires several decisions:
i. Packaging concept:
This defines what the package should be or do for the particular product in terms of size, shape, materials, colour, text, brand mark and tamperproof ability
ii. Engineering tests:
This will ensure that the package stands up under normal conditions
iii. Visual tests:
This is to ensure that the script is legible and colours are harmonious
iv. Dealer tests:
This is to ensure that the dealers find the packages attractive and easy to handle
v. Consumer tests:

This is to ensure favourable consumer response.


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