
Best way to protect Jewelry with jewelry keeping box when moving home.

  • 1537
  • Jimmy at
  • August 31, 2017

Summer is one of the most popular times of the year for people to move to a new house. Unfortunately, what many people tend to overlook in their preparation is how to best take care of their special valuables.

Jewelry is one of the most commonly cared items, with or without a move. Add the chaos that comes with packing boxes, hiring movers and loading the moving truck and it’s the perfect recipe for jewelry loss, damage and theft.

So the jewelry keeping boxes is necessary at this moment.


Here are some important tips to keep in mind:

1. Keep valuable jewelry with you at the jewelry keeping box all the time. when moving, not in a moving box left with movers.

2. Never put your jewelry in storage randomly. Too often it gets lost with other belongings or worse, stolen.

3. Remove jewelry with keeping jewelry boxes when you’re doing heavy lifting to prevent such damages as bent and scratched bands or chipped stones.

4. Be careful with packing earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Pack items in separate compartments to avoid tangling and scratches.


5. Account for your items. Take pictures of each piece and make a detailed list of the description including the serial number if there is one. Make two copies; one to carry with you, another stick on the keeping box.

6. Most commonly lost jewelry due to they not keep their jewelry in the suitable way.

A poll of 600 married women conducted by us in May 2012 shows that among the people who have lost jewelry, 43 percent have lost a ring. The next most commonly lost items are earrings and bracelets (with 20 percent each), and 17 percent of lost jewelry are necklaces.



While you can take considerable steps to stop your jewelry from disappearing while moving to your new destination, nothing can give you complete security, like put them in the jewely keeping boxes.

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