
Brown Paper Packages

  • 1427
  • Jimmy at
  • August 31, 2017

I love love wrapping presents.  I think using wrapping paper (and not ALWAYS a bag) is becoming a lost art. Wrapping paper dramatic?  Maybe, but while at your next gifting event, stop and take a look around… every single gift will be lovingly placed in a bag with two single pieces of tissue paper.

I jumped at the chance when Rachel of Let’s Wrap Stuff asked me to participate in aBrown Paper Packages blog hop.  She just launched Let’s Wrap Stuff, a website devoted to all things gift wrap related and to celebrate its launch, Rachel challenged me and a select group of talented bloggers to come up with a creative gift wrap idea using plain kraft paper. Who doesn’t love brown paper packages tied up with string? Check out all 24 creative kraft paper gift wrap ideas below.


Disclaimer: When giving a gift to a dear friend or a special occasion, I LOVE making it wrapped special.  My creative effort is part of my gift.  However, when I’m wrapping a large amount of gifts to be opened the next morning for christmas, I do not use four ribbons, hand stamped tags and bells.  Kids don’t care, folks… just keeping it real.

I found this box of letter stamps in the dollar section at Target a few months back and it’s the perfect way to create a personalized gift tag!


I added a little washi tape and strung some Christmas bells on mint green baker’s twine.

Next I loosely painted white stripes onto my brown craft paper.  I did not want perfect straight lines, but some to be wide, thin, close together and far apart.


I layered a few different ribbons and tapes.  First a wide gold glitter tape was placed and secured.  Then, I added a rich green satin ribbon and a light blue lace ribbon.

Then I added my Christmas bells gift tag.

This gift wrapping makes me so happy.  Hopefully come Christmas day, the love I put into wrapping it will be enjoyed by my mama when she opens it!

Thank you so much to Rachel for hosting this fun Brown Paper Packages blog hop!  I hope you were inspired to at least wrap one special gift this year with a little extra love… and the rest can be in bags!

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