
Free Jewelry Box Plans – How to Make a Jewelry Box for Someone Special

  • 1573
  • Jimmy at
  • August 31, 2017

WARNING: Before you make your own jewelry box for someone special with these FREE jewelry box plans, be sure you really are a good match. These wooden jewelry box plans are designed to create something that will last approximately forever. If your relationship is not on solid footing, and you are just searching the internet for “How to Build a Jewelry Box” in the hopes that it will save things, we recommend searching elsewhere. That’s because you’re going to LOVE what you build with these project plans. They will give you as much joy as they provide for the recipient, and you’ll want to stick around.


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1. How to make jewelry box sized dovetails. We provide you with two methods – hand and power – for cutting dovetails that are the right proportion for a small project on this scale. That’s a skill you can take to all sorts of projects!


2. How to cut half-blind dovetails. You don’t have to limit yourself to through dovetails. One of the three projects in this download shows you how to begin working with half-blinds, in step-by-step format!

3. How to select a dovetail saw. Dovetail saws come in handy for a surprising number of woodworking tasks – whether or not you are a hand-tool user. Read the special section in our third project for some great information on what to look for in this tool.


4. Sculpting curves on the band saw. Wooden jewelry box plans go way beyond your basic square shape. If you are looking for something curvier, you’ll love the lines of the second project in our free download!
5. Designing drawers and drawer pulls. These key details are included in the curvy jewelry box plan. They really improve the fit and finish of your project.

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