
How to make Bracelet Fastener Travel Pouch

  • 1683
  • Jimmy at
  • August 31, 2017

What You Need

Pot Holder

Needle and Thread or Sewing Machine


What You Do

1 Fold the pot holder in half as shown.

2. On the left edge, stitch from the fold, across the opening, to just around the corner. Back stitch a few stitches if you’re using a sewing machine.

3. Stitch across the right edge the same way, and just around the corner.

4. Fold the potholder loop across the opening to see where the button needs to go.

5. Attach the button far enough from the edge that you have to stretch a bit to put the loop around it. If the button is too close to the edge, the loop won’t stay fastened.


You could decorate the pot holder before you stitch it, by adding an initial, flower, or buttons.

Also see my projects for a bracelet fastener gift envenlope and bracelet fastener gift pouch . 

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