
Meaning Of Packing And Packaging

  • 1761
  • Jimmy at
  • August 30, 2017

Along with determination of standard, level and branding of products, packaging also has important role in marketing.  Products should be well packed to carry them safely to the customers and consumers. Packaging and packing are the activities related with product plan. Some are found to have used them in separate sense. Mainly packing is wrapping a commodity or binding it in a suitable way fro transporting, storing and handling.


The task of keeping, packing, wrapping, or binding commodity in sack, cloth, paper, box, can, bottle etc. according to the nature of product is called packing. But the word packaging does not limit the meaning to only packing, wrapping or binding in any thing, rather it also works for sales promotion . Packaging is also concerned with the matter how to put or keep a commodity in a container, box or can in an attractive, safe and comfortable manner.


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