
Supplies to Make Jewelry Boxes

  • 1376
  • Jimmy at
  • August 31, 2017

Ranging from simple, single-compartment containers to elaborate structures of drawers, hooks and shelves, jewelry boxes are a wood craft ideally suited to artisans interested in small, decorative pieces. Creating jewelry boxes requires several standard types of wood, hardware, and velvet soft goods commonly found in craft and hardware stores.



A thin but sturdy wood of either hard or soft timber is required for a good jewelry box. Get a cut of wood no thinner than 1/3-inch, and no thicker than 3/4-inch, free of scarring or knot holes. Avoid balsa wood or other foamy, soft craft woods. You can also purchase a premade wooden box at most craft stores, to be decorated and finished as a jewelry box.


For most jewelry box making, wood glue is a sufficient means of joining the wood pieces to make the box, eliminating the need for nails or screws. Use a standard opaque woodworking glue, but take care to keep excess glue from oozing out from between the joints and drying to hardness, as this will detract from the appearance of the finished product.



Jewelry box hinges are generally easy to find in craft and hardware stores. You can attach them with tiny screws (they are often sold with these in a package set), or using a strong epoxy glue (though screws are more sturdy). Hinges may be used to attach a jewelry box's lid, or to attach two vertical opening halves of a box designed to split and open down the middle.


"Flocking" is the technical name given to the soft material used to line the inside of jewelry boxes, though it may also be known as velour lining or velvet lining. This material may come with its own adhesive backing, ready to be cut to shape and attached to the inside of a box, or it may require gluing with a thin-spreading adhesive, like spray adhesive.

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