
profession earring packaging manufacturer——boyang jewelry box factory

  • 1332
  • Jimmy at
  • September 01, 2017

Fiona Thompson, owner of Elegant Ear Cuffs has found the perfect eco-friendly packaging for her jewelry business. Located in Philadelphia, Elegant Ear Cuffs specializes in custom ear jewelry and markets it online and through in-home party sales.


 Sometimes being a creative person doesn’t always translate into being a good business person. But Fiona proves you can be both. She took her love for working with her hands, and started an online jewelry business with every custom piece designed and made by her.

 “I started making ear cuffs in particular when I had my hair cut very short and for the first time in many years my ears were totally exposed,” Fiona explains. “I felt they needed to be embellished, but I pierced my ears twice with allergic reactions and found clip-ons very uncomfortable. I was familiar with ear cuffs, but wanted a more traditional style of earring, so I incorporated the function of an ear cuff with more classic looking jewelry designs. No ear piercings are necessary, and they are very comfortable to wear.”

 Elegant Ear Cuffs 5“I wanted my packaging to be Made in America and of recycled materials where possible,” explains Fiona. “An online search identified Nashville Wraps as one of the candidates. The options were so extensive that after a while I found myself overwhelmed.”  


 “Sue Wright in the Printing Department very patiently helped me pick out labels, jewelry boxes and custom made ribbon.  The Nashville Wraps Graphics Department helped tweak my logo design. I love the chocolate brown boxes which are made from 100% recycled materials. The personalized ribbon especially adds a touch of class to all my shipments. I am not a huge customer, but through the process I felt like I was their #1 Customer.”

 Elegant Ear Cuffs BoxesThese jewelry gift boxes are made in the USA and come in Embossed Kraft or Chocolate. The box board consists of 100% recycled materials, on average 80% is post-consumer, with non-tarnishing ultra-white synthetic cotton filler which is also 100% recycled. The paper wrap material is Process Chlorine Free (PCF) and manufactured with renewable hydroelectric energy.

 Fiona finds the beauty of having her own online business with the flexibility to balance her schedule with her son’s commitments is perfect for her. This savvy business woman and artisan craftsman shows us all how beautiful Made in America can be. Please check out all of Fiona’s Elegant Ear Cuff designs here.

Technical Support: Magic Lamp